First Home Owner’s Grant

First Home Owner’s Grant

If you are renting a home on the Gold Coast, and have never bought or owned a home before, you could be eligible for the Great Start Grant. This Queensland Government initiative was put in place to help people wanting to purchase their first home get into that home sooner. If you are eligible for the grant, you will be able to receive $15,000 towards either buying or building your very first new house, unit or townhouse.

The Great Start Grant could help you make the decision towards buying or building a new home on the Gold Coast, and could even help you get into something better than you expected and sooner than you imagined.

What could you do with a $15,000 Great Start Grant? If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident (or applying with someone who is) that is at least 18 years old and have never owned property in Australia, you could be eligible!

The First Home Owners Grant applies to:

  • New Homes
  • House and Land packages

The government has introduced this grant in order to encourage the building of new homes in Queensland.

There is no need to feel as if you will never be able to save a suitable deposit to buy your own home. Contact us here at SBRealty on the Queensland Gold Coast today to find out how we can help you get into your first home with little or no deposit.

Phone: 0405 046711 or email us via the contact form on our Contact Page.